Last updated: 29 June 2023
The Rotary Foundation (TRF) is a fundamental part of Rotary and will continue to be our charity of choice.
During the pilot, the Foundation and its support structures will continue to operate as normal. At this stage there will be no changes to how clubs and members interact and give to the Rotary Foundation, or how District Grants are approved and disbursed.
The Foundation Regionalisation Establishment Team will examine how TRF can leverage new opportunities created through the Regionalisation Pilot. In particular, it will explore ways to engage government, corporate and philanthropic entities to increase TRF’s reach and impact. Note the recently approved trial of Rotary Corporate Social Responsibility Grants in Australia provides an opportunity the pilot can leverage.
The team will look to increase support for members and clubs, and knowledge sharing of TRF matters. It will also develop coordinated regional and national approaches to fundraising, training, project development and project delivery.
The Regionalisation Pilot does not propose any changes to the districts’ management of District Grants for the 2024/25 year, as clubs and members who contributed in the 2021/22 year rightly expect that the terms and conditions of each district’s grants will be upheld.
As information and opportunities are explored more information will be shared.