Last updated: 12 September 2024
Regional Council roles, responsibilities and position descriptions
Regional Council Chair
2 year term
The Regional Council Chair will be responsible for leading and managing the Regional Council. This includes ensuring the Council focuses on its agreed mission, vision, and strategies without preference to geography or interest.
In particular, the Regional Council Chair will be expected to:
Demonstrate strong leadership qualities.
Establish high standards for the Council and its committees.
Establish and maintain a productive link between the Regional Council and the Rotary International South Pacific and Philippines Office (RISPPO).
Establish and maintain a productive link between the Regional Council and the elected Zone 8 Director.
Be a key point of contact with Rotary International (RI), including but not limited to the RI Board, RI Regional Leaders, and the RI Board Liaison for the pilot.
Elected by clubs in consultation with members, this role will be held for a two year term with a one term limit.
Regional Council Chair Elect
2 year term
While preparing for their future role as Chair, the Regional Council Chair Elect will be responsible for developing, communicating, and managing the Zone Strategic Plan and ensuring the voices of all countries and regions are heard. To ensure there is strong representation from all Island nations, it is proposed that the Chair Elect will lead a Multi-National Committee in which members will represent the perspectives of their countries.
In addition, the Chair Elect will liaise with national incorporated Rotary Entities, ensuring connection and strategic alignment.
Regional Council Portfolio Chairs
Minimum 1 year term up to 3 years for succession planning.
Nomination and election of these Directors will be by Zone 8 Rotary and Rotaract Clubs.
The Regional Council will include Portfolio Chairs who are accountable for outcomes in six portfolio areas. To view to position descriptions and selection criteria for these roles click on their names.
Committees and teams supporting these portfolios will be developed during the pilot.
Rotaract Nominee
Minimum 1 year term up to 3 years for succession planning.
Nomination and election of this Director will be by Zone 8 Rotaract Clubs only.
The Rotaract Nominee will be tasked with ensuring Rotaract perspectives are considered as the Regional Council develops new programs and initiatives to increase the reach and success of Rotaract, and Rotary, across the Zone.
This is an excellent opportunity for experienced Rotaract members to put themselves forward for election to contribute to Rotary administration at a regional level and explore the future of Rotararct in Zone 8.
Rotary Communities Nominee
Minimum 1 year term up to 3 years for succession planning.
Nomination and election of this director will be by elected Zone 8 Rotary Community Leaders.
This is a great opportunity for Rotary members to put themselves forward for election and contribute to the Regionalisation Pilot, testing out the future of Rotary in Zone 8.
The Rotary Communities Nominee election will be conducted in 2024, after Rotary Community Leaders have been selected.
Regional Council Support positions
The following roles are non-elected roles and are currently seeking nominations. Please submit this form by Tuesday 30 January 2024, 5pm AEDT. Please ensure you address the requirements in the relevant position description below in your application. Late applications will not be accepted.
Corporate and Administration Lead
The Head of the Regional Council Corporate and Administration Unit will ideally be an experienced Rotarian who will ensure close, integrated collaboration among corporate legal, regulatory, risk, finance and human resource functions advising and supporting the Regional Council.
Liaison with the head of IT will be critical for successful execution of support to the Regional Council. This role will facilitate and nurture relationships that will ensure coordinated action and engagement across departments to seamlessly share information.
Regional Council Treasurer
To supervise the Regional Council funds and to prepare annual and regular reports on the status of the Regional Council finances. This role encompasses the need to manage daily authorised transactions and work beside Rotary International South Pacific and Philippines Office (RISPPO) staff to ensure receipts and payments are made and recorded accordingly.