Last updated: 29 August 2024
Rotary specialists are people with expertise and skills in key areas that are important to Rotary and Rotaract clubs. Clubs and members can connect directly with Rotary specialists for advice, guidance, support and specialist knowledge through a secure searchable database called the Specialist Hub.
Rotary specialists are primarily Rotarians or Rotaractors who have demonstrated knowledge and expertise. If a non-Rotarian takes on the role of a Rotary specialist, they will need to be under agreement of confidentiality to protect Rotary interests.
Expressions of interest for the Rotary specialist role are always open.
If you have the required skills and knowledge to provide expert advice to clubs in your area of expertise, you can be a Rotary specialist! You may be:
Someone who has been in Rotary anywhere from a few months to a few decades
Someone who has held multiple leadership positions in Rotary, or none at all
Someone who has relevant formal qualifications such as a diploma or university degree, or has simply gained expertise through practical experience – either within or outside Rotary
If you’re an expert in a field relevant to clubs, great with people and passionate about Rotary, you should consider applying.
Many Rotary members offer their talents and time to their clubs, their districts and the global Rotary community, whether in formal committees or positions, on projects or at events.
Becoming a specialist is a way for you to offer your skills to others as a volunteer consultant, directing clubs and members to online resources and other specialists, giving guidance and generally supporting them in their projects and events, and in running their clubs. It is not an operational role and your involvement will not prevent you from performing other roles in Rotary.