Regenerating Rotary

Originally published in Rotary Down Under, August 2021, pages 52-53

The Regionalisation Pilot Planning Team continues to work to help Rotary flourish in our region for the next 100 years.

As Rotarians, we share a common desire to engage in service, fun and fellowship, and to make a difference in the lives of others. The Regionalisation Pilot Planning Team has been working closely with Rotary International’s Shaping Rotary’s Future (SRF) group to work towards a potential structure to reduce the burden of administration and to create more manageable and meaningful leadership roles to support clubs and members in what matters most.

We are excited to share that we have the opportunity in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands to be one of a small number of regions across the globe to pilot a SRF model designed to help Rotary regenerate and flourish in the next 100 years. While many regions have shown interest in the SRF model, our region was selected because of the groundwork established by our local leaders.

In our fast-changing world, this is a wonderful opportunity to lead change to make Rotary more impactful and efficient as we seek to increase our reach and ability to adapt, and to enhance the engagement of our participants and supporters to better meet local community needs.

Those who have followed this project over the past two years will appreciate that a collaborative and inclusive approach has been taken to this challenge, and we are now ready to progress to the consultation stage with our many and diverse stakeholders.

Since our last RDU communication, the local Regionalisation Project Team has:

  • Provided an update to the RI Board explaining our local survey results (detailed in the September 2020 edition of RDU) and our commitment to involve as many people as possible across all districts, entities and aspects of Rotary.

  • Explained the perceived benefits and risks of regionalisation from a local perspective and our continued commitment to a unified, locally led collaborative approach, emphasising that significant change requires an effective and carefully planned transition.

  • Received thanks and acknowledgement from CEO John Hewko on behalf of the Board advising us that the RI Board’s SRF Committee had also been considering a regional governance pilot approach and expressing hope we would participate in this pilot to share learnings and knowledge.

  • Met with RI’s SRF Committee, leading to the proposal being shared with our district governors, governors elect and governors nominee (district governor trains) in webinars facilitated by our RI Director Jessie Harman with RI Past President Barry Rassin, the SRF Committee Chair.

Where to from here?

Over the following months, the SRF model will be shared with all Rotarians in our region to initiate feedback and ideas. Clubs will then have an opportunity to vote on whether we should participate in the pilot.

A considered communication strategy is well underway, with the aim of fully informing all clubs and members about this great opportunity to shape our future and that of Rotary across the globe. We seek to be the leaders, to uncover efficiencies and to enhance all that is wonderful about the work of Rotary and Rotarians.

Members of our district governor trains are now in a unique position to lead this change, and efforts are being made to ensure those who have invested so much in Rotary, such as our past governors and club and district leaders, are also involved. Equally, and perhaps more important, are our younger Rotarians and Rotaractors who are our future leaders, along with our valued longer serving members.

In fact, our aim is to ensure all members of every club are fully informed before casting their vote.

How can you be involved?

You will see communications from your district governors and Regional Planning Team district representatives and in Rotary Down Under as this exciting project progresses. In this regard, endeavours are being made to ensure all clubs have access to the presentations by RI Past President Barry Rassin, Chair of the Board’s Shaping Rotary’s Future Committee, and we encourage you to request a copy.

The Zone 8 Regional Pilot Team continues to take a coordinated, strategic regional approach to the key issues of communication, membership and culture, public image, leadership and development, and governance.

We recognise there will be challenges and that it will take some time, but we are committed to a unified approach where the voice of all members is valued.

The need to speak with one voice with a strong brand in our local context guides much of the work being done by the regionalisation pilot.




An opportunity to lead positive change


Shaping the next 100 years of Rotary