Regionalisation races ahead into the new year!
We’ve got so many exciting Pilot milestones to look forward to this year! We can’t wait to work with you and support you through these changes.
A Regional Council first!
Having officially started on 1 January 2024, the Regional Council is moving full steam ahead to ensure we’re not only ready for the full implementation of the Pilot’s operating model in July, but that we’re also ready to serve you – the clubs and members of Rotary and Rotaract.
The Regional Council is ready to serve you!
Incoming members of the Zone 8 Regional Council participated in an intensive learning and development program, tailored especially to equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to lead and represent Zone 8.
Watch now: November webinar
The webinar focused on next steps for Rotary Community Group formation, the introduction of the Regional Council and the future state document which is now available and we are seeking feedback on.
A future state for Zone 8
In September, a group of eighteen Rotarians, Rotaractors and Rotary International staff members gathered - some in person and some virtually - for a workshop to imagine what the Zone could look like after the Regionalisation Pilot ends in June 2026.
All action as Regionalisation takes next steps!
Clubs throughout Zone 8 have voted and the following members have officially been elected to the inaugural Regional Council. The council will commence operating on 1 January 2024. A huge congratulations and thank you to all who participated in and supported the election.
Inaugural Regional Council Election Results
Clubs throughout Zone 8 have had their say, and the results of the first Zone 8 Regional Council election are now in. View the make up of the first Regional Council now.
Watch now: October member webinar
For more regular updates and to be a part of our reference group, subscribe here. You can have your say by visiting or emailing us directly at
October 2023 update
Club Presidents have received their unique link to vote on behalf of their club in our inaugural Regional Council election. They can now cast one preferential vote for each of the Regional Council positions they are eligible to vote for.
Learn about your Regional Council candidates now
On 3 October the Regionalisation Pilot announced the candidates for the first Regional Council in Zone 8 - that is Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Presidents on behalf of their clubs will vote for candidates via a preferential voting system from 17 October.
Watch now: September webinar
It was wonderful to see so many members tune in across the three webinars to understand some of the great work currently taking place.
Topics covered this month include information on Rotary Community Groups, exciting news from the Membership Regionalisation Establishment Team and an update on the Regional Council Election process.
September 2023 update
Clubs and members are at the core of the Regionalisation Pilot and we are starting to implement some of the exciting opportunities the Pilot is testing.
We strongly encourage you to actively discuss what opportunities your club would like to explore. It is not about taking club activities or projects away, but the Pilot is a chance to expand your reach and increase your impact.
August member webinars
Members of the Steering Group and Pilot Establishment Team leads recently hosted a series of webinars to share information about the Regional Council elections and Rotary Community groups.
Pilot looks towards new clubs
We see new club development as a vital part of growing Rotary, along with attracting and retaining members in our existing clubs. New style clubs in particular are essential for reaching new demographics that our traditional clubs may be unable to attract and retain.
Expressions of Interest for the Zone 8 Regional Council open!
As part of the Regionalisation Pilot, Rotary and Rotaract clubs in participating districts across Zone 8 will soon elect a Regional Council to represent and support them at a regional level. Expressions of Interest for positions on the Regional Council are now open.
August update on Regionalisation
The Pilot’s main goal is to find ways to more effectively and efficiently support you and your club to increase impact, grow membership, and adapt to changing volunteer needs and expectations.
In this update there are two key changes where you and your club have the opportunity to have an active voice.
July member webinars
In July, the Steering Group hosted a series of webinars to share information about the work currently happening in the Pilot. Watch the recording and download the slides to share with your Club and members.
July Regionalisation Pilot Update
As the pilot heads towards commencement on 1 January 2024 and changes will start to impact clubs, we know members will have questions. These changes may seem difficult at first but by tweaking what is great about Rotary we are building a sustainable and future focused organisation.
District 9620 Regionalisation Pilot revote outcome
Between 12 - 18 June 2023, Rotary and Rotaract Clubs in District 9620 voted a second time on whether to participate in the Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot. To be successful, 67% of clubs in the district needed to support the vote. Unfortunately the threshold was not achieved at this time.
Sharing our pilot with the world
Following financial approval from the Rotary International Board, the Regionalisation Pilot Establishment teams are now heading full speed towards pilot establishment. You can now read the Executive Summary that was provided to the RI Board as part of the business case.